Donut ShellCode to Bypass Defender, Crowdstrike Falcon, and Palo Alto XDR

An Overview of Donut 1.0 Cruller Release and its Usage for Payload Generation

In this article, we explore the Donut 1.0 Cruller release and its capabilities for shellcode generation. Specifically, we demonstrate how the Donut payload can be used to bypass Windows Defender, Crowdstrike Falcon, and Palo Alto Cortex XDR. Donut is a powerful tool for generating shellcode, making it an essential asset for penetration testers and security researchers.

Donut is a tool that allows for the execution of .NET payloads without the need for the .NET runtime on the target machine. Here are some details about the tool:


  • Donut is an open-source tool that was created by TheWover and Odzhan.
  • It can be used to bypass security measures that detect the use of .NET in payloads.
  • Donut works by converting .NET payloads into position-independent shellcode.


  • Donut can be used to generate payloads in various formats, such as DLL, EXE, or shellcode.
  • It can be run from the command line or integrated into other tools.
  • Donut supports both x86 and x64 architectures.
  • It can be used to evade detection by antivirus software and other security measures.


  • Donut can be used to deliver malware and execute arbitrary code on a target machine.
  • It can be used in phishing attacks to deliver malicious payloads.
  • Attackers can use Donut to bypass security measures and deliver ransomware, spyware, or other types of malware.
  • Donut payloads can be injected into legitimate processes to avoid detection by security software.

Steps to use Donut tool:

  1. Download the Donut executable file from the official website.
  2. Open the command prompt on your computer.
  3. Navigate to the directory where you have downloaded the Donut executable file.
  4. Run the following command to generate a shellcode for your desired payload:
codedonut.exe -f <path to your payload> -o <output path>
  1. Replace the <path to your payload> with the path to your desired payload, and <output path> with the path where you want to save the generated shellcode.
  2. Donut will generate a shellcode in the specified output path.
  3. Use the generated shellcode in your target application or exploit.

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