FinitHicDeo CTF
FinitHicDeo CTF is a popular Capture The Flag competition that challenges participants to solve various cybersecurity challenges. Two of the most exciting challenges in FinitHicDeo CTF are the Python socket programming and HTTP request smuggling challenges.

About CTF
The HTTP request smuggling challenge is a more advanced challenge that requires participants to exploit a vulnerability in the Gunicorn server, which is a popular Python web server.
HTTP request smuggling is a technique that allows an attacker to bypass security controls by manipulating the HTTP requests and responses exchanged between a client and a server. In the HTTP request smuggling challenge in FinitHicDeo CTF, participants need to exploit a vulnerability in the Gunicorn server to smuggle requests and responses between the client and server.
The challenge requires a deep understanding of Python socket programming, networking protocols, and cryptography. The cow and bull game is a classic word guessing game where one player thinks of a secret word, and the other player tries to guess it by suggesting words. In the Python socket programming challenge in FinitHicDeo CTF, participants need to write a Python script that can connect to the server, send requests, and analyze the responses to guess the secret word correctly.
In conclusion, FinitHicDeo CTF is an exciting cybersecurity competition that offers a advance challenges, including the Python socket programming and HTTP request smuggling challenges.